Wellness Membership

Unlock your body’s health with knowledge to empower your personal healing journey.

For many of us, we work hard everyday for our family, friends, and community, yet we often overlook our own needs until it’s too late.

  • Learn: Video education, articles, and questionaires will guide you to learning to identify signs and symptoms leading to effective protocals.

  • Functional Medicine Lab Testing you can do at home (optional) will identify specific deficiencies and toxicities that are making your sick.

  • Action: I will guide you through different protocols and detoxes with a specific plan you will need to get well.

  • Support: Our exclusive community will be cheering you on and supporting you on your journey.

  • Questions & Coaching: Monthly Q&A and optional add on 1:1 coaching with me.

  • Longevity Protocols: for those who want to LIVE (quality of years) and increase energy and performance.

  • Discover your specific deficiencies (vitamins, minerals, omega-3s, etc.) and your toxicities (heavy metals, yeast overgrowth, hormones, pollutants, etc.) we will design a plan to rebalance your body and enable you to take control of your health.

This type of Integrative Health approach will empower to you to make the change you need in your life to feel the health, vitality, and happiness you’ve been searching for and deserve! You will learn to be your own best doctor.

A whole new way to approach wellness

Get on the Waitlist when our membership opens up!
